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Vanessa Wiblin

Congratulations on being pregnant! It is an exciting time and I would happy to support you. I am an experienced midwife with 2 children of my own.


I feel my role is to provide support and information; to help women make safe choices and develop into mothers who trust in their innate ability to birth and have confidence in their parenting instincts.


I believe that women are capable of making their own choices about what is right for them and their families. I encourage them to be self-determining in their healthcare and enjoy working alongside them to achieve their goals.


I am against unnecessarily interfering with a normal pregnancy or birth but am experienced in identifying the need for further input. I will happily work with women and other specialists if needed, to achieve a safe and satisfying transition to parenting.


Please phone, text or email, I welcome your enquiries.

> Mobile: 021 247 8450


> Fax: (09) 834 4779


> Email:

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