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Antenatal - Information for Pregnancy

Tests and ultrasounds

All tests and scans are optional in pregnancy. The following are the ones that are routinely offered to all pregnant women. Please be aware that charges apply for most scans.

First antenatal bloods/urine: Done as soon as pregnancy is diagnosed: Blood group and rhesus factor; rhesus antibodies; full blood count; hepatitis status; rubella status; syphilis; HIV; iron stores; Mid-stream urine test

MSS1: Done around 12 weeks: includes a scan and blood test to screen for Down Syndrome

MSS2: Done only if the MSS1 was unable to be performed. Completed between 14 and 20 weeks

Anatomy Ultrasound: Done at 19 – 20 weeks: checks baby’s vital organs and the placenta

Second antenatal bloods: Done at 24-26 weeks: full blood count; rhesus antibodies; iron stores; diabetes screening/diagnostic test.

Final antenatal bloods: Done at 36 weeks: full blood count; rhesus antibodies; iron levels; mid-stream urine

Additional tests or scans may be necessary if issues arise or if your history indicates that it would be advisable.

Schedule of visits 


After the booking visit just before 12 weeks, you can expect to see your midwife again at around 18 weeks gestation. From here you will see your midwife every 4 weeks until around thirty weeks, then fortnightly or three weekly till around 37 weeks, then weekly until you have birthed. If you have any complications during your pregnancy your midwife may arrange to see you more often.

Baby Movements


You should understand the importance of and monitor your baby’s movement pattern.


BMI and Weight gain in pregnancy


Healthy weight gain in pregnancy depends on your booking BMI. Women with high booking BMI’s are advised to have a referral to specialist services in pregnancy which we can arrange.


Booking BMI

Underweight      <18.5            13-18kg

Healthy weight  18.5 – 24.9   11 – 16kg

Overweight        25 – 29.9       7 – 11kg

Obese                 30+                5 – 9kg


Student Midwives


We have a professional obligation to assist the next generation of midwives. From time to time we will have a student alongside us. Our students are generally energetic and passionate; they are working towards a very specific vocation. Please advise us if you are not comfortable with the presence of a student midwife.

Antenatal Education (Childbirth Education Classes)


Antenatal classes give you diverse and in depth information. They are a great way to meet other women and form social networks. There are many options and some are free of charge.


If you are wanting to attend classes I advise booking in sooner rather than later. Hospital run classes can be booked through


MAMA Maternity        815 8108

Waitakere Hospital    486 8920 extn 3048 (or smartstart)

Cathy McCormick      811 8600

Parents Centre           837 8481

Other help in pregnancy


Positive Births Hypnobirth - Education for natural childbirth and parenting courses

Grow Babies Antenatal classes, parenting classes  & postnatal support services

Pregnancy Help Pregnancy Help - Provisions for pregnancy. Support and practical assistance

Pelvic Instability Pelvic Instability support and information 

Smiley Belt Pelvic support belts for relieving lower back and to give pelvic support

Pelvic Pain Facts about pelvic pain during pregnancy

Back Pain -  Video Physio for back pain in pregnancy

Parents Centre Parent education and support - 51 centres throughout NZ

Kiwi Families Support for teenagers who are about to become parents

Plunket Parenting and support services for children up to five and their families

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